Friday, July 29, 2011

It's Official

There have been a lot of changes in my life in the last year: getting married, moving two times, Jared getting married, and so on.  However, one of the biggest decisions Michael and I made recently was that I would not be teaching next year.  This was not any easy decision for me because I still love teaching.  I love my students, I love my co-workers, and I love Ashbrook High School.  It has been the only school I have worked at (outside of student teaching) and even though it has had its ups and downs, I have learned so much and developed amazing relationships in the six years I have taught there.  However, it was time for change.  In addition to teaching full time, I have been coaching full time also... and after six years of working 13 hour days something had to give.  I know that the Lord has been working in my heart for the past year, changing my priorities and my desires.  When I was single, it wasn't so hard to work a 13 hour day and be gone for a full weekend at a swim meet.  My time was my own and I could use it as I pleased.  But as a married woman, my desires have changed, and I think it would be nice to spend time with my husband without being completely exhausted by 9:00pm.  So as of a week ago, I officially resigned at Ashbrook and I am now turning my attention to coaching at ATOM and eventually transitioning in as the head coach of the program.  I am excited about this change.  We may be poor for the next few years, but at least we'll be sane!

And I will never forget the people at Ashbrook that changed my life forever...

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