Monday, March 23, 2009


So, I'm not gonna lie. I really don't know why i started this blog. We'll see how long my blogging really lasts and if I think its worth wasting my time on. Maybe it will be useful, who knows. But I would like to think it would be a fun way to keep track of all of my various trips w/ friends and family since I have become horrible at keeping a journal. The pic to the left for example, is from my trip to Europe w/ the AHS Chorus a few years ago.

My next trip coming up is to Boston w/ Kendra. I have never been to Boston & I cannot wait. I LOVE visiting big cities. Most big cities I don't want to live in because I prefer simpler life. However, I think one of my most favorite things about big cities is public transportation. You can read a book, listen to music, talk on the phone, do some work, put on your makeup all while someone else does the driving. Which is much safer then when I try to do those things while driving.

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