Tuesday, March 24, 2009


We finished the Reformation & Counter Reformation in class today. We had started watching the movie Elizabeth yesterday, and I had only intended for us to watch the first 30 minutes of it at the end of class so the kids could see what Bloody Mary was like as queen and how her half sister Elizabeth became queen. I love this movie & Elizabethan England. It is absolutely one of my most favorite time periods in history. And because I love this movie so much, I decided we wouldn't start on our project today and instead continue to watch Elizabeth. I hate to be "that teacher" who is a pushover when the kids want to keep watching the movie, but I actually think it will be quite beneficial. I wish that I could spend so much more time on the Renaissance & Reformation than I do. It's such an incredible time period. The artwork that comes out of the Renaissance is absolutely breathtaking - particularly the sculptures of Michelangelo. How someone can make a piece of marble look like a piece of cloth is mind blowing to me. The religious revolution that Martin Luther began with his 95 Thesis is incredible as well. Luther's careful study of the Bible & the simple conclusions that he drew, Faith alone, Grace alone, the Bible alone, totally revolutionized Christianity and still influence the Protestant church today. Such obvious truths, yet for so many years, the Catholic church had completely overlooked the simplicity of the gospel. I get so excited when I teach this and my students think I'm crazy, but that's OK.

And just for fun, here is a few pictures from back in the day of me & my family. I am so greatful to my parents for sharing the gospel with me & then showing me how to walk it out daily.


  1. Now that's the way I remember you!
    Love ya,
    Bob Massey

  2. aaaww-I love that top picture! You were such a good big sister to "your" baby!
